Monday, March 13, 2006

You could not make this up if you tried

So Sir Ian Blair thinks it is ok to tape his telephone conversations without informing the other party. The best bit of this little gem was that according to the media the call was about the admissibility of telephone tap evidence in British courts.

I am unclear as to whether or not he has broken any laws. The article in the Times implies there may be Data Protection implications and I always thought that you had to notify the other party if you intend to record their call hence the long winded gibberish at the beginning of some calls to banks, insurance companies etc. However, according to the radio this morning this may not be the case.

Whatever the outcome of the technical legal points being made I think Ian Blair has made a serious misjudgement in believing that it was ok to tape/tap the phone calls which he made.


Anonymous said...

Yes it is out of order but .....

I cant say I blame him - he knows better than most of us us what the collection of liars called the governement get up to .....

Tony Ferguson said...

Everyone seems to have kissed and made up with the exception of the chairman of his police authority so there may still be a little bit of mileage in this one yet. Personally I wouldn't trust him either.