Monday, January 29, 2007

Hats off to Ulises de la Cruz

The usual impression of Premiership footballers is overpaid overspending fancy dans who do a couple of hours work a week and spend most of their time working out what the latest essential luxury is that they need to spend their over inflated salary on.
But according to the BBC Ulises de la Cruz, who plays at Reading and was born in the Afro-Ecuadorian village of Piquiucho is spending his high salary not on fast cars and big houses, but on rebuilding an entire community where he grew up. I had my doubts about De la Cruz as a footballer although recent performances have improved and have included a wonder goal against Sheffield United.
Apparently Ulises de la Cruz has provided a fresh water supply by financing the 18km of water pipes and a treatment system. In addition he has financed a new sports and community centre which are currently being built. He has also provided hundreds of books, a new roof for the school and a playground. Each day 100 primary school children receive breakfast and lunch at school courtesy of the Ulises De la Cruz Foundation. He has built a medical centre and has been sending money to pay for a doctor, a dentist and a nurse at the clinic.
The brighter side of all that Premiership wealth.


Anonymous said...

What a nice story - important to point out those who really contribute towards society.

There is hope :)

unserewoerterwelt said...

Hi nice readding your post